Indifference In Marriage

If I were to ask you what the most prevalent characteristic of a marriage that was doomed, or about to break up with little hope of saving it, you’d think of a relationship that was characterized by constant fighting, suspicion, or maybe where it was discovered that the other partner was having an affair, or where there was some other major issue that couldn’t seem to be resolved.

Well if you’re thinking its the stormy relationships that are mostly likely to end, you’re wrong, In fact, research shows that it is the marriages that are characterized by indifference that have the least chance of surviving.

That’s right, if you’re in a relationship where one of you feels indifferent toward the other – where there’s little emotion, little desire for sex and little desire to make things better, then the first order of business is to get into couples counseling, to see if the flame can be rekindled.

If this does not produce positive results, then the question that remains is how you want to live the rest of your life. An indifferent marriage may or may not agree with you, but if there is anything you owe yourself, its a decision by conscious choice, not resignation.